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Welcome to Blog Oklahoma

Blog Oklahoma is about life in the great state of Oklahoma and getting things done. It's a blog, podcast, newsletter, community, and so much more.


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On July 23, 2003, I launched the Blog Oklahoma Web Ring for Oklahoma bloggers. It wasn't long until the web ring grew into a large, interesting, and diverse community of Oklahoma bloggers. However, as the internet evolved, more people moved away from blogging and instead focused on social media. Change is the nature of things, so it was time to move on. On February 1, 2021, I officially sunset the Blog Oklahoma Web Ring. In its place was this new landing page and next evolution of Blog Oklahoma had begun.


I hope you find Blog Oklahoma useful, informative, and fun. — K. Latham

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Our policy on cookies is to have them with a cold glass of milk or a hot cup of cocoa. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, or oatmeal cookies are preferred, but we won't say no to Oreos or Biscoff. Okay seriously, our website uses cookies (small text files stored on your computer) for personalization and analytical purposes. We also use third parties on this website that use cookies for advertising, analytics, and yes, tracking. You can use your browser to see what cookies are present. You are within your rights to block any cookie. For more information about cookies and your rights, please read Cookies, the GDPR, and the ePrivacy Directive.

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We use the following: Plausable for visitor statistics. Plausable does not use cookies and is fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR. Our visitor statistics are public. Search box by DuckDuckGo. Calendar by TeamUp. Weather by Metroblue. We use TinyLetter for our newsletter. The Blog Oklahoma Podcast is hosted on Libsyn and Anchor. @blogoklahoma Mastodon uses the Mastodon API. r/blogoklahoma Reddit uses the Reddit API. Amazon Product Search (Affiliate Ads) is by Amazon. Advertisements (Ads) by Google AdSense. The website was built with Microsoft Visual Studio Code and Notepad++, and uses .Net, Bootstrap, and Fontawsome. Our website is hosted by Innovative Technology, Ltd. in Elk City, OK.