How To Hook Someone Up With Something For Free Girls Chase

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People of all orientations and fetishes can browse for free and make genuine connections with people in the area. Members can send up to five messages a day for free, and they also have the Like Gallery and FlirtCast tool to help them drum up potential matches on the sex site. By the end of reading this, you should have your crush drooling to date you. These psychological tricks are reliably proven to get a girl to like you. You want to chat her up first, see what she’s doing with her life, is she outgoing. Women love men with standards. B) you are not “easy” to get. A man with standards automatically has options, too. When the girl sees you’re living your life to the fullest even without her, she’ll want to join.

Have you ever been out with a girl that you really liked, but she ended up playing hard to get… which made you frustrated and you just couldn’t be bothered to chase her?

Yep. This happens a lot bro.

Women that play hard to get are seriously annoying and they wonder why they can’t find any “good guys” right?

I actually had a woman recently who was a REAL ball breaker, I’m talking not giving a f*ck about me… but luckily I read the signs that she was horny and kept plowing on… weeks went by.

But you know what? I finally got her in the sack. Bam!

Now I’m seeing her a few times per week and she was so worth it.

Amazing in bed, great personality and a witty sense of humour. A rare breed of woman.

So this got me thinking and I decided I’d write a little post on how to deal with women that play hard to get.

How to hook someone up with something for free girls chase boysHow To Hook Someone Up With Something For Free Girls Chase

Before we get into the finer points, let’s first discuss why it happens.

WAIT! One of the best ways to turn her from a ball breaker, into a softie is by texting her properly. Most guys have no idea how to text, so you will stand out. Watch this video and you’ll see what I mean.

Why women play hard to get

There are 3 main reasons why women love playing hard to get and they are all total bullshit.

1. They read it in the magazines

Yeah I know, stupid right? But it’s true. Women hold glossy magazine relationship advice in high regard. They read these crappy tips which have been made up by “relationship experts” which tells them to keep men chasing them.

2. They don’t want to be seen as “easy”

Women have a BIG issue when it comes to social stigma. They hate being seen as whores, cheap, easy or cheaters so will do whatever it takes to keep themselves away from those associations.

How To Hook Someone Up With Something For Free Girls Chase

3. They want a man who is strong, secure and confident

It’s ingrained in them I’m afraid. Women love a man who is mentally capable of matching them, so they go crazy for the confident secure guys.

So you’ll probably see girls play the hard to get card at 2 stages, the first being before you get the number and second being after you get the number.

Before the number…

Watch for the signals

Remember this… what women SAY and what they DO are very different. So make sure you get good at reading signals.

  • Does she look for a few seconds? Playing hard to get even starts before you’ve even muttered a word to her, so get ready for it. If she looks over at you as you walk past her… it’s game on. Use a forced IOI to grab her attention.
  • Does she look twice? The first look may have been a fluke, but you can take the second look as a solid “YES I like you”.
  • Is she using flirtatious body language? If she’s standing close to you, playing with her hair, laughing loudly to get your attention… and just acting overly flirtatious it’s because she is hoping you will man up and talk to her.

Plough through the sh*t test

So you’ve decided you want to be a man and approached her… even though she gave you “the signals” it aint as easy as you think dude. It’s time to handle her shit tests.

  • Don’t stop trying if she says no – Let’s say you’ve been talking to her for 10 minutes and you ask for her number… but she says no. Don’t stop there, build some more rapport, connect a little more and ask again later. Don’t let that “no” affect your game.
  • Never look desperate – If you look desperate, women will smell it. Keep your cool around her and don’t slip into lost puppy mode, otherwise she’ll toss you around (not in a good way) and throw you out.
  • Build rapport, break rapport and escalate – Keep these in mind, if you build rapport and then break rapport… you’re connecting and attraction is being established. Then all you need to do is add a touch of sexual escalation and bam, you’re in.
How To Hook Someone Up With Something For Free Girls Chase

After the number…

Hook her with an intriguing text

How To Hook Someone Up With Something For Free Girls Chase

Do you have strong text game? If so, then ball breakers will be no match for your skills… if you suck, then here’s what you need to do.

  • Funny, witty and easy to respond to – The first text after you’ve gotten the number is very important. It needs to spark the same attraction you had when you left the interaction. Now women that like to play games, will use texting as a powerful tool to keep men on their toes, it’s up to you to stop this from happening. Text her something that will get her attention, make her smile and want to reply. So something like this… “OMG… I’ve just this second seen a girl who looked just like you outside Starbucks dressed as a giant cookie… please tell me that’s now you??
  • Get her on the phone – If you want to, getting her on the phone is a great way to continue building rapport and you can easily end the conversation by saying something like “…Listen, I need to meet with some friends, but we should meet this Thursday night if you’re free?”

Don’t be emotional

Are you an emotional guy? Then you’re unfortunately going to find it hard to attract women, because you let your emotions get the better of you.

How To Hook Someone Up With Something For Free Girls Chase Boys

  • Don’t react to what she says – Women like to throw bombshells into a conversation because they like to get a reaction. Whatever they say, you must remain calm and unphased by what she says.
  • Keep calm when she acts strange – They will also try different things like being flirty one minute and cold the next. Again these are mind games they have picked up in magazines to make you want them more… just play it cool and act like nothing has happened.

So that’s how to deal with women that play hard to get.

The trick is to just play the game and keep plowing until she breaks. Don’t give up, trust me they are doing it for the drama, attention and to see if you’re the real deal.

LISTEN UP! If you want to make sure she never breaks your balls again… watch this video.

How To Hook Someone Up With Something For Free Girls Chase Girls

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